Why we love the IGBO board game

Dorcas Omowole
3 min readSep 25, 2019


Existing in communities has always been a central part of a people’s flourishing. One of the reasons people thrive better in communities is because people support one another. The collective resource is not just the people. It comprises of all the elements that surround them; the air, the water, the land. People obtain resources from these elements and those with foresight observe and study these elements so that they know how best to preserve and replenish them. The benefits of living in a community or building a community is enhanced when members of the community have their bonds strengthened by interacting and supporting one another and grow to the point where their values and visions converge.

A sense of community is innate. We just find ourselves “community-ing.” Just as like poles of a magnet attracting one another, we gravitate towards those that align best with us. As we stay together, we become more alike. While there are multiple communities along various divides. There is a universal community that unites all of mankind. It is the community we are part of because we breathe, drink and feed from the same mass of air, the same pool of water, the same expanse of land.

It has been a great pleasure and honor, for my team and I to develop the igbo board game, a board game that reminds us of this community that we are a part of. A community which we will continue to be a part of. Either at work or play, by continually thinking of the good of this universal community, earth, ideas would lend themselves to us on how best to preserve and replenish it.

As communities are strengthened by the things they share. We hope that by sharing the igbo game with you and your sharing with friends and various sub-communities you are a part of, we will not only love the land that cares for us, we will be strategic as we take care of the earth in our care.

The first prototype of the igbo board game was made in May 2019. It was played by about 40 people. Out of whom, 25 filled a complete survey. We wanted to create a board game that was interactive, strategic, engaging, with play time that was just right, and rules that were easy to understand. All those who tried out the game rated it exceptionally high on these attributes and described it as strategic and engaging.

Comprehension of rules was a concern about language and choice of words. The language is simpler and clearer. There will also be instructional videos and pictures coming soon at playigbo.com.

Play time is a function of cooperation by players. Setting house rules which involves playing within 5 to 10 seconds or lose the turn is recommended. We will be uploading more content at playigbo.com and on our social media pages.

While various aspects of the igbo board game have evolved to create a more holistic and competitive edu-tainment experience, the values and visions of the game have remained the same. We hope you enjoy playing the igbo board game as much as we have enjoyed creating it.


Response to Question

4. How would you rank this game you have just played on the following attributes?

  • Interactive: Game increased interaction and communication with one another during the game;
  • Engaging: Players concentrated, paying attention to other players moves;
  • Strategy: The extent to which you planned your moves to maximize your chances of winning more points;
  • Play time: The time it took to complete one round was reasonable. You did not get tired or bored;
  • Comprehension of rules: The rules of the game were clear and easy to follow.

Options: Very good, Good, Neither good nor poor, Poor, Very poor



Responses (1)