Honourable foresters protect humans by planting trees

Dorcas Omowole
2 min readOct 27, 2019


Why cut down a tree when you have planted no tree. Why plant no tree when you can plant one. Why plant one tree, when you can plant more than one. And the musings (thoughtful reflections) of foresters continues under the cool shade of a beautiful sturdy tree and at playigbo.com.

Who are foresters and what do they do? Foresters help conserve and manage forests. They do this by planting new trees, monitoring and protecting wildlife habitats, and suppressing forest fires. They also know when a tree needs to be replanted or replaced. With or without fancy titles, we all can be foresters by taking and supporting tree planting, afforestation, and reforestation actions.

Wangari Maathai was one honourable African woman who by observing the needs of her people realized that planting trees was the solution needed. She also realized that there were no better people to plant these trees than the people themselves. The trees planted not only prevented desertification and soil erosion in rural Kenya, their fruits were also a source of food and income. The Green Belt Movement Wangari started in 1977 is still active and continues to make positive impacts.

Trees are also useful in cities. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, “trees and other plants help cool the environment, making vegetation a simple and effective way to reduce urban heat islands.” Additional benefits provided by trees include — improved air quality by reducing energy demand and removing air pollutants; enhanced water quality by absorbing and filtering rainwater; and improved quality of life by just being a beauty to behold and a place to live for many species. North Carolina State University categorizes these benefits as environmental, personal and social, and community benefits.

Also, we should not plant trees at home and cut trees abroad by buying wood from those cutting down trees elsewhere with no replacement plans in place. We can and should say no to those destroying and cutting down trees without replacement directly and indirectly.

Your objective while playing Igbo board game — forester theme is to place your seed chips strategically so that you can plant as many trees as possible. By planting the most trees, you become the forester, a title revered and reserved for the positively strategic and sustainable. This is a position of respect and only those who play with all focus and passion, earn it.

We hope you enjoy playing the Igbo board game — forester theme. Trees make our lives livable. What each one of us does matters. Let the positive actions of foresters continue! Playigbo.com today!


Using Trees and Vegetation to Reduce Heat Islands. https://www.epa.gov/heat-islands/using-trees-and-vegetation-reduce-heat-islands

Americans are planting trees of strength https://projects.ncsu.edu/project/treesofstrength/benefits.htm


Kenya — The Green Belt Movement





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