Don’t if you don’t
I formed this poem in secondary school at approximately around 14 years old. I was concerned about the very poor grades of some of our form mates and I was sharing this concern with my very informed friend with thick glasses. She had a lot of information about what was happening in the families of our classmates. The only evidence I had that my friend is not a witch was that I was standing in front of her dead or alive. Of course, alive! For many of my classmates that were not doing so well, it was because their parent’s marriages was no longer functional or dysfunctional and I nodded my head sideways and hoping all future parents can hear me, “don’t if you don’t.” I have since dotted some i’s and crossed some t’s since then.
As you’re ‘bout to tie the nuptial bows
This season
Don’t if you don’t!
As you make the marital vows
This reason
Promising your undying love
That you’ll be here
Each season for this reason
Don’t if you don’t!
As you walk up that aisle
Of glory
Don’t if you don’t!
As you dine and wine
With eyes so glowy
Standing before the Lord above
That you’ll be here
For the glory to keep on glowing
Don’t if you don’t!
As you make God and man
your witness
Don’t if you don’t!
As you say you’ll cherish and adore to bring
Each heart sweetness
Forever to be hand in glove
That you’ll be here
To be a witness to the sweetness
Don’t if you don’t!